We've got answers.


How do Tovala’s breakfast meals work?

Let's break it down.

How much does a breakfast meal cost?

Breakfast meals start at $12.99, and each includes 2 servings.

Can I purchase a single breakfast serving?

Not at this time. Every breakfast meal on our menu includes 2 servings.

How do breakfast meals count towards my meal plan?

One breakfast meal counts as one meal (even though it includes 2 servings). 

How will breakfast meals be packaged?

Both servings will arrive in a single meal container with 1 insert. Save 1 serving for later (and remember to keep your insert as a reference), or cook both at once.

Do I need anything special to cook breakfast meals?

You may need cooking spray or neutral oil. Some meals also require aluminum foil and your Tovala sheet tray.

Can I eat breakfast for dinner?

Absolutely. We fully support this decision.