Let's break it down.
How much does a breakfast meal cost?
Breakfast meals start at $12.99, and each includes 2 servings.
Can I purchase a single breakfast serving?
Not at this time. Every breakfast meal on our menu includes 2 servings.
How do breakfast meals count towards my meal plan?
One breakfast meal counts as one meal (even though it includes 2 servings).
How will breakfast meals be packaged?
Both servings will arrive in a single meal container with 1 insert. Save 1 serving for later (and remember to keep your insert as a reference), or cook both at once.
Do I need anything special to cook breakfast meals?
You may need cooking spray or neutral oil. Some meals also require aluminum foil and your Tovala sheet tray.
Can I eat breakfast for dinner?
Absolutely. We fully support this decision.
We're great with breakups.
Use the oven, enjoy our meals, and if you don't fall in love, no worries. You have 100 days to decide, and our returns are always free. We happily pay for return shipping.
Use the oven, enjoy our meals, and if you don't fall in love, no worries. You have 100 days to decide, and our returns are always free. We happily pay for return shipping.
When you order 6 weeks of meals over 6 months